Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions about our indoor plant services.
Will you take over the service for my existing plants?
We love to care for existing plants! When we take over the care and management of your indoor plants you’ll be surprised to see how good your existing plants can look.
How do I know which are the best indoor plants to select?
Select the right plants with confidence!
Rest-on our 20+ years of experience designing and installing various interiorscapes.
We know plants! And we know the plants that will give you the look and feel you desire. And which plants will thrive not just survive in your environment.
We recommend that you start with a interior plant design and consultation.
How do you keep my plants thriving and looking great?
With our Exclusive Plant-Care System you’re assured of consistent, great looking plants all the time. A trained and qualified plant care technician provides regularly scheduled plant service with a little extra TLC for each plant, and will…
- Check the plants for moisture – and water plants and fertilize as necessary to maintain optimal health
- Keep all plants gently dusted, cleaned, groomed, and oriented to the proper light for balance and appearance.
- Remove aged, damaged or unsightly foliage, leaving only lush greenery.
- Discard trash and debris in planters and keep the planters wiped down and clean.
- Treat plants for foliage disease and insects if any – using only safe non-toxic methods. No harsh chemicals are ever used.
- Replace damaged or unsightly plants with fresh new plants.
- Plus, our plant service comes with regularly scheduled quality control visits by a trained supervisor to ensure that you receive the service you deserve.
How long can I expect my indoor plants to last?
Often for many years under two conditions:
1. The right plants are matched with the right environment.
2. When they are watered and cared for properly.
What if a plant dies under your care?
Free interior plant replacement is included with most service options giving you peace of mind to simply enjoy the plants without concern.
If I’m happy with the person you send to care for my plants and you switch them for a new plant person, how do I know the new plant person will take good care of the plants?
All Growing Roots plant care technicians are thoroughly trained and required to follow our Plant Care Process, assuring you of consistent quality plant care no matter who we send to care for your plants.
I don’t want to have to manage the plant person to make sure they are doing their job. How do you help me with that?
- We hire only people that love working with indoor plants.
- All our plant care people are trained to follow a specific regimen.
- A field supervisor makes regular visits to your job-site to make sure you are receiving the service you deserve. The supervisor will grade the quality of your plants based on our care regimen.
If Growing Roots can't work with us, can you recommend a plant company who can?
Yes! We have several industry connections and work with other plant companies that specialize in certain areas of plant design and care. If we can’t provide what you are looking for, we will recommend a competitor you can trust to meet your plant needs.
Why would you recommend your competition?
To help you!
We’re on mission to “Leave People and Places Better Than we Find Them.” This means if we can’t meet your plant needs, but recommend someone who can then we have achieved our mission.