Make Your Office More Attractive and Inviting
Attract, retain, soothe and inspire with plants!
Nobody Loves Walking Into a Dull and Boring Space
But Everybody Loves…
Walking into an Room Filled with Vibrant Live Plants
If you’re looking to enhance the feel and look of your office space, or commercial property, I have good news! Our commercial plant care services includes selecting exceptional interior plants and superior interior plant maintenance services!
You won’t have to lift a finger (except to call or email us).
Because, we do it all.
Whether you have existing plants that need a little tender loving care or a brand new office that needs that extra touch of green, we can help. Image and brand consistency are important aspects of every company; Big or small. Remember, you only get one chance to make a good first impression. Let us help you create a memorable one with our commercial plant care services!
Contact us today for unique office décor with professional interior plantscaping services.

Greening the Great Indoors
Having plants in the workplace is an important component of creating a sustainable indoor ecology and healthy minds and bodies. Indoor plants remove air pollutants and stabilize CO2, while decreasing our stress and helping us heal faster.
Discover more about the power of plants in the workplace in this infographic produced by National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture (NICH).
Sick Building Syndrome & Employee Health

The Environmental Protection Agency rates indoor air pollution among the world’s top environmental health risks, since most Americans spend 90% of their time indoors. Air conditioning, improved insulation, and energy-saving all reduce air exchange in buildings, so we breathe the same recycled air.
Because most offices are virtually hermetically sealed, the construction and common cleaning materials can produce harmful substances that are trapped inside the building. These all contribute to the well recognized “sick building syndrome.”
Polluted indoor air, contaminated by volatile organic compounds (VOCs), are a major cause of headaches, nausea, sore and itchy eyes, loss of concentration and other “sick building” symptoms.
Sick Building Syndrome develops into a serious and expensive liability when toxins found in fibers (carpet, fabric, wall coverings) and solvents (wallboard, paints, varnishes, furniture) become concentrated inside sealed office buildings. The result is a notable increase in employee illness.
As well as purifying the air we breathe the presence of indoor plants have also been shown to have many other beneficial effects on our health and well-being.
Absorb. Diffract. Reflect.
Plants can help clean contaminated air in two ways:
A two-year study conducted by Tove Fjeld, a professor at the Agricultural University, Oslo, Norway found the following reductions in ailments in an office after plants were introduced:
It’s been well documented that plants and trees absorb, diffract and reflect sound. To what degree depends on the size and construction of the room; the size, shape and type of plant; the container, and the location of the plant.
A study conducted by Professor Gary Evans and his colleague, Dana Johnson, a former graduate student of Cornell University, found that even low-level noise in open plan offices can lead to higher levels of stress and disruption amongst employees. The study looked at 40 women who were assigned a position in either a quiet office or an office with low-level noise for exactly 3 hours. The results showed that employees in noisier environments were less likely to attempt unsolvable puzzles than those in a less distracting environment.

Professional commercial plant care services offer numerous benefits for businesses seeking to elevate their spaces such as office spaces, hotel lobbies, and reception areas. By entrusting the care of plants to trained professionals, businesses can ensure that their greenery remains vibrant and well-maintained, creating a welcoming and pleasant environment for employees, clients, and visitors.
Commercial plant care services bring expertise in plant selection, placement, watering, fertilizing, and pest control, ensuring the optimal health of each plant. This not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the space but also contributes to improved air quality, reduced stress levels, and increased productivity among occupants.
Investing in commercial plant care services is a sustainable and cost-effective way for businesses to create a positive and inviting atmosphere that leaves a lasting impression on anyone who enters their premises.
“I just wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for the professional and courteous service we receive from your company! It is so nice to have someone come in and care for our greenery, in such a loving and professional way. Your team has saved us a lot of money in replacement plants by being able to spot the beginning stages of a problem, and with that diagnosis provide a solution so that we can maximize the life of our plants. Our plants are always well watered, cleaned, and healthy. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
— Maureen Erro, Community Director, UDR, Pacific Shores, Huntington Beach, CA
Interior plants help create a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere that your customers, clients and employees will equally appreciate.
Because no one should have to work in a bland and boring space!
(Resource: Stress and Open-office Noise, by Evans, Gary W.; Johnson, Dana,Journal of Applied Psychology. Vol 85(5), Oct 2000, 779-783.)