Tips on How to Take Care of Your Interior Plants
With interior plants, consistency is key. Put your plants on a schedule and try to keep to it (weekly/bi-weekly) Interior Plants Watering Needs Fertilizing Interior …
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With interior plants, consistency is key. Put your plants on a schedule and try to keep to it (weekly/bi-weekly) Interior Plants Watering Needs Fertilizing Interior …
Repotting indoor plants can be very easy if done the right way. Here are a few tips that are important to know when repotting indoor plants. 7 Tips for Repotting Indoor …
Keeping your indoor plants alive is as easy as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. If you’re like most people, chances are you’ve probably (accidentally) killed a plant or two in your life time. …
Business owners cite hiring, supply chain and inflation as major challenges as pandemic drags on “It was like crickets,” Bermudez-Perez said. “I was dumbfounded at the lack of …
Plant Pots: Practical Tips from Experienced Designers Growing Roots was honored to be a part of this piece by Jay Scotts Collection. Design with plants and decorative …
Hannah Tan at Redfin knows what’s up! Take a look at her recent article on how to spruce up your home. Of course we are partial to #6, “Bring nature inside with …
Yes, we can party and celebrate during Covid-19 safely, no masks or social distancing required for this celebration! Enjoy your indoor plants and celebrate the many …
Looking to improve your office climate? Plants could be the answer. A “full service plantscaping” business, Growing Roots helps companies greenify their workspaces, both …
Interior Plantscapers Show Solidarity for Shelter in Place and Social Distancing with the Launch of #StayPlanted Initiative Interior plantscaping professionals encourage …